Sophie Washington books are all about positivity, family, and friendship, and what better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than to share the love from my fans! I'm always thrilled to get photos and …
Upcoming Events: Tonya Duncan Ellis Books
February 2019February 7 - Author Visit, The Quail Valley Quails, Missouri City, TXFebruary 9 - Jack and Jill Heritage Day, Spring, TXFebruary 17 - Author Expo and Book Fair, The Church Without Walls, …
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Reading Resolution/FREE Book!
Have a 2019 reading resolution? I'm giving away three FREE books to help you meet it! Enter the giveaway by liking my Facebook page and sharing this post on Facebook for a chance to win one of …
Thanks for a Great Year!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! I blinked and 2018 was over! It was an extremely busy and fun-filled year for the Sophie Washington series. Highlights included visits to San Antonio and …
‘Twas the Day Before Christmas…Sophie Washington Stocking Stuffer Deal!
Christmas Day is tomorrow and you still need that last minute gift? The perfect present for the tweens on your list is just a click away! Ebooks make it to your inbox instantly, and this virtual …
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Tonya Duncan Ellis Books: Upcoming Events
December 201812/15: Sugar Land Imperial Farmer's Market 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.12/15: Sienna Plantation Farmer's Market Holiday Market 3 p.m .- 7 p.m. …
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