COVID-19 has had us all homebound for weeks. School doors are closed for the semester. Anxious parents are juggling getting work done with helping children, who miss their friends and routines. It’s enough to make anyone ready to scream. If the idea of another day cooped up at home is sending you over the edge, here are a few suggestions to help you and family members cope:
Journal – Writing down your day-to-day activities and feelings is a great way to release emotional tension and process what’s going on. Reading over your entries at a later time often gives you perspective on your situation that helps you feel better.
Get Outside– Fresh air, butterflies, and bird songs are great reminders that life goes on and there are new beginnings each day. Walking, biking, and daily trips to the great outdoors, if your location and weather permits, increases endorphins and boosts your mood.
Get Creative – Focusing on creating, or learning new crafts and skills (writing, knitting, crocheting, painting, coloring, gardening, etc.) can take your mind off daily frustrations and add excitement to your life. Just make sure you take up something you enjoy and that doesn’t increase your stress.
Reach Out – Reaching out to family and friends via phone calls, Zoom, FaceTime, and Skype enables us to let our hair down and maintain connection to others outside our households. It gives us something to look forward to and is just plain fun.
Read – Books take you to another place when you have nowhere to go. Reading is a wonderful way to destress, be entertained, get inspired, and learn new things. A good book can help you zone out of your current reality until you are better able to deal with it.
Be Grateful – These are challenging times, with many across the globe losing their livelihoods and way too many losing their lives. Counting your blessings each day for everything you’re gifted with (food, shelter, family, health) goes a long way toward making these days at home endurable.
Tonya Duncan Ellis is author of the Amazon Best Selling, Readers’ Favorite “Five Star†rated Sophie Washington children’s book series, geared toward readers ages 8-12 and is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI).
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